A tasteful take on the beauty in routine
As a lover of narratives, the Automata project is ideal for me. It combines my love for storytelling with the nuance of Industrial Design, allowing me to showcase my skills while adding a personal touch.
Project Brief

Setting: Library
The Janitor: Sweeps back and forth, calm and steady.
The Student: Moves around, hurried, with a backpack.
The Janitor sweeps in place.
The Student navigates around, busy and focused.
Mutual Love of routine
Setting: Old Victorian home
The Couple: In love, standing close.
The Clock: Marks the passage of time.
Changing scenery behind them
Moving hands of the clock above
The Couple dances or hugs, lost in each other as time passes around them.
Love and time
Setting: Rocky Mountains outside Mt. Rainier
The 2 Birds: Soaring together.
Changing mountains behind them on a belt.
The birds' wings flap in the wind as they glide through the dynamic mountain scenery.
Rainer bird
Setting: Old Victorian home
The Couple: In love, standing close.
The Clock: Marks the passage of time.
Changing scenery behind them
Moving hands of the clock above
The Couple dances or hugs, lost in each other as time passes around them.
Dog vs Mailman
Setting: The sky
The Plane: Flying steadily.
Large puffy clouds around
The plane navigates through turbulence from the wind.
Airborne plane
Setting: A lumberyard
2 Lumberjacks: Working together.
The saw
The log
The lumberjacks saw back and forth in unison.
2 lumberjacks

Aesthetic Inspiration
Studio Ghibli
Old Victorian
Steven Universe

The concept I chose is 'The Mutual Love of Routine,' inspired by one of the most deep, personal human experiences: the quiet familiarity that develops through shared routines. Whether it's getting to know someone solely through the rhythm of daily life or exchanging a few words with a person you pass each day, these small, consistent interactions form a unique connection.
Every day, as I walked from my car to DAAP, I would pass by this sweet old woman. We exchanged only a few words, but I felt a connection with her. It was fascinating to me that, despite leading our own unique lives, we would come together at that point, sharing those brief, meaningful interactions.
The Mutual Love of Routine
The Backround

Enviornment Renderings
These early design explorations aim to capture the essence of the desired environment, but taking some creative liberty and adding some potential.
Mechanism Concepts

Mechanism Ideation
Iteration 1 proved to be unsuccessful but allowed a lot to be learned. For example, the crank was redundant, and the belt design didn’t work all too well. Overall the design needed to be simplified

mechanism ideation
Iteration 2 was very close to the final and had all the final mechanisms, the only problem is that the box wasn’t rigid enough, which created too much friction in the mechanisms

mechanism ideation
Iteration 3 was the most successful, and it introduced the pinwheel gear design that allowed the “walking ring” to move. This was necessary because the cam wouldn’t stick properly. This also introduced the sweeping motion by having 2 cams that were at 180 degrees opposite to each other.

After everything that was learned from the previous iterations, the final was ready to be started. It incorporated the pinwheel gears, the sweeping mechanism, and tabs that allow the box to be miles more rigid.
Final process